Here in the PRIDE Lab, we like to work with communities to find ways that we can better the lives of youth. This kind of approach to research is called community-based participatory research. Therefore, our studies are designed in conjunction with community partners to ensure that the results that are uncovered benefit the community and their needs.
In the PRIDE Lab, we investigate three primary questions as they pertain to LGTBQ+, racially-marginalized youth; and youth at the intersections of these identities.

How do social identities develop and change over time?
Adolescence is considered to be a time of great change and development of social identities in the lives of adolescents. In this line of research, we examine how social identities (e.g., ethnic-racial, gender, or sexual orientation) are changing over time and what contextual factors and socializing agents could be influencing this change.
How can social identities be leveraged as assets to promote positive youth development and outcomes?
Social identities research has exploded in the past 15 years, demonstrating a stronger, more positive sense of self on the basis of various social identities promotes a host of adaptive outcomes. Surprisingly, little research has begun to develop ways to enhance and leverage these identities to foster better outcomes for youth. We are aiming to close this gap by developing interventions to shape identities to be congruent with positive youth development and outcomes.
How are social identities related to mental health, well-being, and academic motivation?
Research has generally shown social identities are positively associated with more adaptive outcomes​. However, there is still much to be known about what influences these associations and in what contexts. We are working to close this gap by investigating these relations and moderators across various contexts.